
Showing posts from November, 2021

Composition and Structure

Blog 6: Composition and Structure The structure of our choreography is significant to our piece as it needs to tell the correct story in conjunction with the events of 9/11. If we do this incorrect then it wouldn’t make any sense and the objective of our piece would be wrong. To begin with, all 4 of us partake in a pedestrian section which the purpose for this is to show Borders, along with other workers, heading through New York City to their office in the World Trade Centre. We utilised the iconic Subway to set the scene in New York, so it is more obvious to the audience.    This then leads into my solo which is showing Borders at the time of the catastrophe. This is a deep piece that needs to have an impact to show the audience the intensity of the situation. I need to embody the emotions that Borders would’ve felt at the time and correctly use this in my choreography. I will be using many techniques to portray this, for example, repetition but building up more force every time I re

Motif Development

  Blog 5: Motif development Due to still being absent, I have decided to work productively from home and continue my progression with my solo. When reflecting I had decided that the beginning of my choreography didn’t feel fitting, and I wanted to add something before setting the tone. My group has informed me that they have been working on a pedestrian section that comes before my solo in the structure of our choreography. This is used to set the scene and show Borders and others heading through New York City to the World Trade Centre. I thought I could continue this to make the transition more seamless. I decided to add in some pedestrian movement of my character arriving at her desk and beginning work. When the implosion happens, I decided to switch my movement into slow motion to link with the phrase already created. With trial and error, I made this work and feel I have achieved more fluidity between sections. A benefit of working from home whilst in this creative process is that

Chance Method

  Blog 4: Chance Method The presence of my solo within our piece is to capture the moment that the plane crashed into the tower and Marcy Borders emotions and experience. I have thought about the 5 senses and what I feel the atmosphere would be like at the time to try and portray the even as accurate as possible. I found that, from never having any personal experience of this, research was key for me to understand.    I found an article that includes Janice Brooks first-hand experience who escaped from the 84 th  floor of the World Trade Centre. She said to hear a “loud bang” and a gentleman bellowing for everyone to leave. At the time of her exiting towards the corridor, among others, everything seemed partially normal until she accounted “there was this loud crashing sound. Lights fell down and dust and chunks of the ceiling were all over the place”. At this point, the stairway had been demolished. “T here was just dust, darkness and some flickering of flames. Then there was this alm


  Blog 3: Stimulus The process of deciding on a stimulus was slightly different for me. Due to medical absence, I was not present when the stimulus was picked therefore, I didn't manage to get any input so instead, my group informed me of their decision, and I did some extra research to fully understand the topic.  The topic, proposed by Ella, is the 9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ photograph. This is a photo of Marcy Borders concealed in wreckage after the plane devastatingly crashed into the tower, she was working in. This photo was quite a shock to the world as no one expects to see a sophisticated works woman submerged in white dust. When observing the photograph further, I noticed her hands seemed to be reaching out and her mouth gasping which indicates to be her trauma and shock from the event which is something we can incorporate into our piece to fully portray the stimulus. I researched further into my thoughts and found she struggled with the trauma 10 years post-historical event.   (

Lost in Translation

Blog 2: Lost in Translation   The first task given by our tutor was quite an interesting one. We got into small groups and lined up, one person facing the front and the rest facing the back. The person at the front was given a word and thirty seconds to produce a count of eight before the person behind them turned around and they had to show it to them. We were only given a short amount of time to learn the choreography before the next person would turn around and you would then have to teach it to them. We repeated this process till everyone knew the original persons choreography. Then the first and last person would stand next to each other and perform the phrase, this was interesting to see how it had been slightly changed and interpreted along the line. We continued this process till everyone had picked a word and had gone through the process. The words my group were given include, cold, spikey, sticky and crunchy. I like how this method meant that another persons choreography was