Composition and Structure

Blog 6: Composition and Structure

The structure of our choreography is significant to our piece as it needs to tell the correct story in conjunction with the events of 9/11. If we do this incorrect then it wouldn’t make any sense and the objective of our piece would be wrong. To begin with, all 4 of us partake in a pedestrian section which the purpose for this is to show Borders, along with other workers, heading through New York City to their office in the World Trade Centre. We utilised the iconic Subway to set the scene in New York, so it is more obvious to the audience. 


This then leads into my solo which is showing Borders at the time of the catastrophe. This is a deep piece that needs to have an impact to show the audience the intensity of the situation. I need to embody the emotions that Borders would’ve felt at the time and correctly use this in my choreography. I will be using many techniques to portray this, for example, repetition but building up more force every time I repeat the movement to continue with my intention. 


Next in the script is a trio with Ella, Izzy and Marco that portrays the abstract vision of the scenario. They all play the role of co-workers helping each other escape and get out of the building. This section was created during my absence which allowed our group to be more productive. To be a trio means that we never have to 'waste' time bringing me up to speed on it and allowed the three to have a section to devise.


The trio submerges into a duet of Izzy and Marco which is based around two characters who lose each other within the rubble and debris but eventually reunite. They begin to separate but eventually dance together to show their intimacy and relationship together. To add a deeper context, when they 'reunite' it is in their afterlife as the pair are victims of 9/11 who unfortunately didn't come out alive so therefore they depart the stage at the end to show that in real life their reunion never happened. 


Ella is next with her solo to illustrate Borders depression and how this unfolded. Here Ella shows how Borders depression arose and created havoc within her life. Within Izzy's solo, she is portraying Borders battle with stomach cancer as it was a significant period of her life. Here, Izzy communicates the emotions we would expect borders to feel during her diagnosis, not forgetting her anxieties of complications with health insurance to give a true depiction of this time. Marcos solo shows Borders drug addiction


Lastly, we have a group section in which we intend to round the piece off and shed a slightly different light on the subject. We have changed our characters into being relatives of the victims within 9/11 and intend on portraying that we are using each other to bypass the grief according to it all. This is a section that we are all joining together. despite portraying a separate character. I like the idea of ending the piece in this tone because it plants an opposing thought into the audience's mind, becoming aware of how many people the horrific event affected as I feel often, we forget about the friends and family of those involved. This highlights how widespread the effects of 9/11.


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