
 Blog 3: Stimulus

The process of deciding on a stimulus was slightly different for me. Due to medical absence, I was not present when the stimulus was picked therefore, I didn't manage to get any input so instead, my group informed me of their decision, and I did some extra research to fully understand the topic. 

Marcy Borders covered in dust as she takes refuge in an office building after one of the World Trade Center towers collapsed in New York, September 11th 2001.The topic, proposed by Ella, is the 9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ photograph. This is a photo of Marcy Borders concealed in wreckage after the plane devastatingly crashed into the tower, she was working in. This photo was quite a shock to the world as no one expects to see a sophisticated works woman submerged in white dust. When observing the photograph further, I noticed her hands seemed to be reaching out and her mouth gasping which indicates to be her trauma and shock from the event which is something we can incorporate into our piece to fully portray the stimulus. I researched further into my thoughts and found she struggled with the trauma 10 years post-historical event. ('Dust lady' of 9/11 Marcy Borders dies of cancer at 42, 2021)


Marcy Borders aged 28 at the time of the attack and from New Jersey luckily escaped the north tower where she was occupied for the Bank of America. Shortly after 8am Borders appeared at the World Trade Centre and forewent the lift which took her to the 81st floor where Bank of Americas offices was located. Coincidentally, Borders had only just begun as a ‘clerical assistant’ and she’d arose early. 

People around her noticed Borders plunge into a depression as she suffered “recurring nightmares in which Osama Bin Laden repeatedly attacked her home by ariel bombardment”. Family and friends noticed she’d “shield away from people. She didn’t want to leave the house; she lost her appetite”. This depression continued periodically for years till her alcohol and drugs dependency surfaced. Borders led herself to a breakdown in April 2011 and admitted herself into a rehab centre. 

Unfortunately, August 2014 was when Marcy Borders stomach cancer was detected, and she fell into a 190,000-dollar health debt. She also struggled to obtain therapy at first, which deteriorated her circumstance, due to having no health coverage. Sadly, aged 42, she deceased on 25th August 2015 following a year’s prolonged encounter with her cancer. (9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ Marcy Borders: depression, rehab, back from the brink – then a final bombshell, 2021)

I really look forward to delving deeper into this stimulus, I feel it’s something heavy to portray but using different choreographic devices and methods will help us. After research, I think we can find a lot of inspiration within the picture and link it to the back story of Borders life. 


the Guardian. 2021. 9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ Marcy Borders: depression, rehab, back from the brink – then a final bombshell. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 November 2021].

BBC News. 2021. 'Dust lady' of 9/11 Marcy Borders dies of cancer at 42. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2021].





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