
Showing posts from December, 2021

Final Performance Evaluation

  Blog 10 - Final Performance evaluation    Unfortunately, due to injury, I was unable to perform in the final performance of the group choreography. Throughout the process, despite the challenge of having a medical absence which meant my group had to work slightly differently, I believe the process to be a success because my group overcame the challenge innovatively by composing a plan of aspects to work on whilst I was away that I wouldn’t have to catch up on. We would’ve been less effective in terms of time management if I had to learn the choreography that my group created, instead of using the time we had evolving our piece to become the best it could be. Working well as a group helped us to overcome the issue as if members of my group stressed about the issue and potentially felt compromised by me, tension could’ve been created, and it would prevent successful sessions and productivity. I also feel that, if the group had created a lot of content for me to catch up on, I would’ve

Reflecting on out group's starting objectives

Blog 9 - Reflecting on our group starting objectives    The initial aims of my group’s choreography include was to create an informative piece that would showcase a personal experience of Marcy Borders. Using the 'dust woman' photo, which she was the main subject of, as inspiration, we researched further into her background and life experiences that were determined by the horrific event. This influenced many parts of the choreography for example the structures and emotions within these. A life is on a timeline, and I feel this is something we set the structures on. Each section links by the fact that this was the order of proceedings. T his made an impact as Borders suffered a tragic later life with many issues that then lead her to a dreadful depth. The epicentre of these events was 9/11 so it was important for my group to highlight how large of a consequence the initial incident had on one’s life. I feel we successfully showed the intended message within our piece using music

Continuation of Choreography

  Blog 8: Continuation of Choreography A section of our choreography that we have been working on in detail recently includes the pedestrian movement at the beginning. When reflecting on this section we decided that it had no structure to it and the intention of the section wasn't being portrayed in the way we want it to. We developed it by thinking of certain gestures that are commonly used within day-to-day life such as holding your bag, checking your phone, tripping up, and interacting with others. This made the reasoning more obvious rather than us all walking aimlessly within the space. I suggested that we come up with 4 different motifs based upon the gestures that we all repeat in different orders. Since we are a group of 4, it was more effective to all create one each and teach it to the group. I created the 'backpack' movement where we start low to show picking up the backpack then circle in a roundward motion with your arms which takes you into a swivel and motion

Inspiration and Feedback

  Blog 7: Inspiration and Feedback When creating choreography, I feel it's always important to look for inspiration from other practitioners. For our piece, I felt particularly inspired by Crystal Pite's 'Betroffenheit'. The piece is a deep and meaningful one about trauma but includes quirky and abstract methods such as fun and exciting costumes, something you wouldn't expect to see in a piece like this.  (Betroffenheit - Kidd Pivot, 2021)  We sourced Pite for inspiration within the section of our elevator scene. Our stimulus is similar to Pite's as it is about a traumatic event and is very sincere and deep so found that her methods would work well in our piece. Within the elevator scene, we decided to use quirky 'elevator music' which is sometimes used and usually is something upbeat. We decided to add a movement that has no technical ability and could be seen more as a 'silly' movement. This is to add a lighthearted and comedic charm to this se